AWT Morocco, Day 4

It has been a varied day at AWT Essaouira today, with a beach clean, a fun water session and a global warming lesson.


The morning started with all riders heading to Essaouira for a beach clean up; after a couple of hours and numerous bags of trash later the beach was looking a lot better and ready for all to enjoy. After a tasty lunch at Othman Chic, it was back to Moulay as the conditions were looking promising. The waves were building, as was the wind, but with a late start, and an early evening presentation planned, we decided that a free sailing session was the best call. Conditions are building, and with a strong forecast for tomorrow, it could be an epic day to round off the contest.


Refreshed from an afternoon on the water it was back to Essaouira for a presentation from the Justdiggit organization, all about global warming and how we can all help. Mega Loft provided an amazing group meal in town to round off the day.


The next call for competition will be at the Skipper’s Meeting at 10:00 tomorrow and if the forecast holds strong we could be looking at an incredible end to the AWT Essaouira competition.

For a complete photo album and more updates, check our facebook page here.

Text by Amy Carter
Photos by Julien Schlosser


