Baja Success and Girl on Wave Showing

Girl on Wave documents the journey of professional windsurfer Sarah Hauser and her friends as they follow their passions and defy the obstacles of a typical career in an attempt to conquer their dreams. The documentary includes interviews with core windsurfers, world-class athletes, and others who have inspired Sarah on her journey to becoming a professional water athlete. Driven to perform at her highest potential in big swells and competitions around the globe, Sarah is leaving her unique mark on the windsurfing sport.
You can purchase the movie through iTunes and Amazon.

“Hard work and passion made Girl on Wave come to reality. It wouldn’t have been possible without the help of our dear IWT windsurfer friends who contributed along the way either through the crowdfunding campaign or with words of support and encouragements! Being able to show the film in Punta San Carlos, a place that makes my heart beat faster just when I think about it, was an honor and a delight!” Sarah Hauser

Baja Desert Showdown Results

Kevin Pritchard, Morgan Noireaux, Boujmaa Guilloul

Arrianne Aukes, Annamaria Zollett, Sarah Hauser

Tom Soltysiak, Jonathan Pooley, Tom Ben-Eliyahu

Mike Colee, Scott Shoemaker

Erik Bergmeyer, Simeon Glasson, Jonathan Pooley

Takara Ishi, Alex McKirgan, Kazuki Ishihara

Annamaria Zollett