Coronavirus Precaution Forces Cancellation of IWT Topocalma Infernal Wave Event.

News, Topocalma Infernal
FacebookInstagramEmailThe IWT is saddened to report, that as of today March 11, the 2020 Topocalma Infernal is cancelled.  Options for rescheduling are under consideration. “Hello IWT, given the world contingency due to the “Corona Virus”, and following the opinion of Chilean medical experts and authorities, we have decided to cancel the Topocalma Infernal Championship. Chile…
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News, Topocalma Infernal
FacebookInstagramEmailThe IWT 2020 Topocalma Infernal is going full steam ahead. The IWT is very excited to be returning to one of the best left hand rides in the world. This year the event is bigger and better than ever with a stunning new ocean front camping position and full amped up glamping with big warm…
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Coronavirus Precaution Forces Cancellation of IWT Omaezaki Wave Event.

Wave Tour update from the organizers of the IWT 2020 Omaezaki Japan Cup: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• “We are very sorry to inform that we have decided to cancel IWT Omaezaki Japan Cup 2020, considering the increase of the current risk of Corona virus. (COVID-19). We sincerely tired to proceed with the contest this year as scheduled but…
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